GB3ST, GB3VT and GB7ST off air

GB3ST and GB3VT went off air on Wednesday for an unknown reason. GB3SE is still operational. Visits to site comes under covid restrictions at the moment. We have contacted the site owner requesting that they take a look. GB7ST has lost networking at the moment with the Brandmeister changes which took place on Wednesday also.... Continue Reading →

GB3ST & GB3MN improvements

GB3ST has had failed cooling fans replaced and is back to full output power for the first time in quite a while. In my case, I can now comfortably listen to ST whereas before it was in the noise. GB3MN has had an additional filter fitted which improves the isolation between the input and output... Continue Reading →

GB3ST Performance issues

GB3ST is operating at reduced output power due to a cooling fan failure. The repeater may also exhibit intermittent operation as it will temporarily turn itself off should a critical temperature be reached. Unfortunately, in the current circumstances, a site visit is not possible, so we don't know when normal service will be restored.

GB3VT and GB3ST Antennas

Peter G8NSS was at the GB3VT/ST site last night and informs us that VT is now on a different antenna. ST is also on a different antenna which is slightly higher than the old one. Reception reports for both repeaters are welcome.

GB3ST Antenna Issues Now Resolved

Peter G8NSS informed us that he had taken GB3ST off the air as the transmitter was seeing a high VSWR. Peter is glad to report that GB3ST is now back on the air at it's full 25 watts ERP. Thanks Peter!

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